Raw material roundup

Better get patternmaking, pre washing and sewing so these little girls have their perfect dress for the fashion show!  

Dress for Charlotte 💖 

Dress for Charlotte 💖 

Avah's pretty in pink dress 💕 

Avah's pretty in pink dress 💕 

Prim and proper for Ava Gholi 💜 

Prim and proper for Ava Gholi 💜 

Fun mix for McKinley 💜💗 

Fun mix for McKinley 💜💗 

Bridal gown for Riley 👰🏼 

Bridal gown for Riley 👰🏼 

Sweet and pretty for Layla

Sweet and pretty for Layla

Bold and pretty blues for Mae 💚💙 

Bold and pretty blues for Mae 💚💙